Jennifer Dos Santos's Fundraiser
We can work together on "Building Hope" for Eleventh Hour Rescue
Join me and help make a difference- please give today!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Join me, in my birthday fundraiser, to support good in the world and make a difference. As many of you know, I am a volunteer at Eleventh Hour Rescue, and I even foster failed my beautiful cat, Jax (pictured here with me). Without our lifesaving efforts, Jax would have remained alone, cold, hungry, and still roaming the streets of Newark, NJ, where he was found eating garbage. Help us to Build Hope - so Eleventh Hour Rescue can build, outfit, and staff its own kennel & adoption center. This will provide a safe place for our dogs & cats to come while they wait for their FURever home.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Eleventh Hour Rescue. I am asking for your small commitment. To honor your commitment, I am committed to matching your donation at 50%. That is now 1.5 x more for the animals. Help me continue to save animals, like Jax, and the many others that come through our doors, annually. Love and thanks to you all!
Click here to see if your company is one that matches.
You can also click here to make your own Facebook Fundraiser in our name - make sure to use "Building Hope" in the title.
You can even send cash or check donations by mail to the PO Box listed below,
with the note "Building Hope" and this completed document. Any and all amounts are greatly appreciated!